Friday, March 7, 2008

My Name is Brad and I am level 4 master blogger. If you are not at least a level 3 ranger blogger I would not recommend this site to you.


mikey said...

This blog is a seanboy knock off. Its the tijuana version of his blog.

Anonymous said...

level 2 blogger here. but I am using the blog wizard, which allows me to surf up to level 7. of course I would need your permission. To allow me to access your site, please hold down the space bar and speak into the screen "I allow Adam, level 2 blogger to browse my site."

Katie, Sean and Nash Crowther said...

Yeah well I'm a level 6 blogger so take that and I'm writting you a comment because I feel bad for you cause your comment section is quite weak! But we all still love you in this house!